How to Properly Store a Torque Wrench – 3 Simple Methods

As a mechanic, you know how important it is to have a reliable torque wrench in your toolkit. But do you know that how you store your torque wrench can have a significant impact on its accuracy and lifespan? Proper storage is crucial to maintaining the precision and reliability of your torque wrench, so it’s essential to follow the right steps to keep it in top condition.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the best practices for storing your torque wrench and give you some practical tips for keeping it safe and accurate. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a DIY enthusiast, these guidelines will help you get the most out of your torque wrench for years to come.

how to store a torque wrench

Why is it important to store a torque wrench properly?

  • Prevent damage to the tool.
  • It will keep in proper working condition.
  • Prevent accidents or injuries while using the tool.
  • Extend the life of the tool.
  • Storing also protects the tool from harmful elements.
  • To save space in your workshop or garage.
  • Make it easier to find and access when needed.
  • Prevent it from getting lost or stolen.
  • Maintain its value if you ever decide to sell it.
  • To follow best practices for tool maintenance and care.

How to store a torque wrench?

Extreme temperatures, exposure to moisture, and physical damage will impact the performance and accuracy of a torque wrench. A National Institute of Standards and Technology study found that temperature changes can cause a torque wrench to deviate from its calibrated value by up to 4%. Proper storage can help prevent these issues, ensuring your torque wrench is ready to use when needed.

General Storage Tips

Here are some general tips to follow when storing your torque wrench:

Avoid extreme temperatures

Both extreme heat and extreme cold can cause changes in the metal of the torque wrench, leading to accuracy issues. It’s best to store the wrench in a cool and dry location with moderate temperature fluctuations.

Store in a dry and clean location

Moisture can rust or corrode the metal components of a torque wrench, while dirt and grime can accumulate in the mechanism and impact its accuracy. Find a clean, dry storage spot for your wrenches, such as a toolbox or cabinet.

Protect from physical damage

Drops, impacts, and other physical damage can distort the metal of a torque wrench, affecting its accuracy. To prevent this, consider using a protective case or box for storage or hanging the wrench on a storage rack or hook.

Specific Storage Recommendations

A torque wrench is helpful for mechanics and DIY enthusiasts, as it allows for the precise tightening of bolts and nuts to the appropriate torque level. This ensures the reliability and safety of the assembled structure, whether it’s a car engine or a piece of furniture. However, to maintain the accuracy and longevity of a torque wrench, it’s essential to store it properly when not in use. Here are some specific recommendations for storing your torque wrench:

Use a torque wrench storage case or box:

A storage case or box can help protect your torque wrench from physical damage, moisture, and temperature fluctuations. Look for a case with foam padding or another shock-absorbing material to further protect the wrench.

Hang the wrench on a storage rack or hook:

If you don’t have a storage case or box, consider hanging the wrench on a storage rack or hook. This can keep it out of the way and prevent accidental drops or impacts.

Store the wrench in a designated tool drawer or cabinet:

Another option is to store the wrench in a designated tool drawer or cabinet, along with other hand tools. This can help keep everything organized and easy to access when needed.

See Also: A Beginner’s Guide to Using a Click Type Torque Wrench

Can you store a torque wrench in your trunk?

If you’re an avid mechanic or someone who loves to work on their vehicle, you may wonder if it’s possible to store a torque wrench in your trunk. The short answer is yes, storing a torque wrench in your trunk is possible. However, remember that you’ll store it safely and securely to prevent any damage to the tool or your car.

One option is to place the torque wrench in a hard case or toolbox to protect it from bumps and impacts. Alternatively, you could wrap it in a protective cover or pad to protect it from scratches or dents. Regardless of how you store it, just ensure it is secure and won’t move around too much while driving.

Maintenance Tips

Proper storage is just one aspect of maintaining your torque wrench. Here are some additional maintenance tips to follow:

  • Regularly inspect your torque wrench for any signs of damage or wear, such as cracks, chips, or rust. If you notice any issues, consider having the wrench repaired or replaced.
  • It’s important to calibrate it regularly to ensure the accuracy of your torque wrench. The calibration frequency will depend on the type of wrench and how often it’s used. Consult the manufacturer’s recommendations or a professional calibration service to determine the appropriate schedule.


How long will a torque wrench last?

The answer depends on various factors, such as the quality of the tool, how often the torque is used, and how well it is maintained. With proper care and regular calibration, a torque wrench can last many years, making it a valuable investment for any mechanic or DIY enthusiast.

Will a torque wrench keep tightening after the click?

One of the key features of a torque wrench is that it clicks when it reaches the desired torque. This is a helpful feature because it lets the user know when they have applied the correct torque, ensuring that the fastener is tightened to the appropriate level.

However, some may wonder if the torque wrench will tighten after the click. The answer is no; once the torque wrench clicks, it will stop applying torque to the fastener. The clicking mechanism is designed to release when the desired torque is reached, preventing further tightening. So, if you hear the click, you can be confident that the torque wrench has done its job and the fastener is tightened to the desired level.

Should you grease a torque wrench?

When it comes to maintaining your tools, it’s essential to consider whether or not you should grease a torque wrench. A well-oiled torque wrench can help prevent rust and ensure smooth operation. On the other hand, too much grease can interfere with the tool’s accuracy and potentially throw off your torque readings.

Ultimately, the decision to grease a torque wrench comes down to the condition of the tool. If you notice any signs of rust or friction, a light application of grease may be beneficial. However, if your torque wrench is already in good working order, it may be best to leave it as is.

Does an extension throw off a torque wrench?

Using an extension with a torque wrench can potentially reduce the tool’s accuracy. The longer the extension, the more leverage it provides, which can alter the torque applied to the fastener. It’s essential to consider the length and material of the extension, as well as the torque settings on the wrench, to ensure proper torque is applied. It’s always best to consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional guidance when using an extension with a torque wrench to avoid over or under-tightening the fastener.


Finally, properly storing your torque wrench is essential to get accurate results. Following these simple guides, you can always keep your torque wrench in top condition. So next time you finish using your torque wrench, take a few minutes to keep it according to these tips properly.

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