How to Reset Garbage Disposal With Allen Wrench?

If you’ve ever used garbage disposal, then you know that they can be pretty handy. But do you know what to do when it starts to malfunction? One way to reset the garbage disposal is to use an Allen wrench.

If your garbage disposal is giving you trouble, don’t worry – we’ve covered you. Keep reading for more information on safely resetting your garbage disposal using an Allen wrench.

how to reset garbage disposal with Allen wrench

What is a garbage disposal?

A garbage disposal, also known as a waste disposal unit or food waste disposer, is a kitchen appliance designed to break down food waste so that it can be flushed down the drain. Typically, garbage disposals are connected to the sink’s drain line and activated by a switch or lever. When activated, the disposal’s blades begin to spin, grinding up food waste into small pieces.

The small pieces are then washed away with water. Most modern garbage disposals also come equipped with a built-in sewage management system that helps to break down and flush away solid waste.

In addition to decreasing the amount of food waste dispatched to landfills, garbage disposals can also help to prevent clogged drains and sewer backups.

Why it’s necessary to reset the garbage disposal?

There are several reasons why it’s necessary to reset the garbage disposal.

  • First, if the disposal has been overloaded and jammed, resetting it will give the motor a chance to cool down and rest.
  • Second, if the disposer is making strange noises or vibrating excessively, this can be a sign that something is stuck in the blades, and resetting it may dislodge the object.
  • Finally, resetting the unit may jump-start the motor if the unit stops working.

How to reset garbage disposal with Allen wrench – complete guide

If your garbage disposal is jammed or clogged, you can quickly fix the problem by resetting the disposal with an Allen wrench. You can solve this issue with a little elbow grease and a simple reset. Here’s how:


First, always ensure that the power is off before you do anything. Because undoubtedly, you don’t want to injure yourself while you’re working accidentally.


Next, locate the Allen key that came with the garbage disposal. You can use a flashlight to look inside the garbage disposal for the Allen wrench. If you don’t have one, you can usually find one at hardware stores.


Once you have the Allen key, please insert it into the hole in the bottom of the garbage disposal. You may need to apply some pressure to insert it fully.


Once the key is inserted, turn it clockwise until you feel some resistance. At this point, stop stirring and wait a minute or two. After a short wait, turn the key counterclockwise to release the pressure and remove it from the hole.


Finally, plug the power cord back in and turn on the disposal if it seems to be working fine; congratulations! The garbage disposal has been successfully reset. If that doesn’t work correctly, repeat the process two more times. After that, if the reset button still doesn’t work, it’s time to call a professional.

How to identify if the garbage disposal needs to be reset

A few things can cause your garbage disposal to stop working. If you try to put something down the disposal that it can’t handle, the blades will jam and cause the motor to overload and shut off. This is usually indicated by a loud grinding noise followed by silence.

Another problem that can cause your disposal to stop working is if something gets stuck in the blades and causes them to seize up. This is usually indicated by a humming noise coming from the disposal. You’ll need to reset the garbage disposal if either of these happens.

To do this, press the reset button that is located at the bottom of the unit. You should hear a click as the motor resets itself. If your garbage disposal isn’t working after resetting it, you may need to contact professionals.

The benefits of properly resetting the garbage disposal

The garbage disposal is one of the valuable and time-saving appliances in the kitchen. It helps to keep the kitchen clean and free of odors. However, the garbage disposal is not working if it is not maintained. One of the most important maintenance tasks is to reset the garbage disposal regularly.

This helps ensure that the disposal can properly grind food waste and prevent clogs. In addition, resetting the garbage disposal can help to prolong its lifespan. For these reasons, it is important to reset the garbage disposal regularly.

What size Allen wrench requires to reset a garbage disposal?

Most people don’t think about resetting their garbage disposal until it stops working. And when it does, your first instinct is likely to call a plumber. But before doing that, you might want to try resetting the garbage disposal. It’s a relatively simple process; you only need a small Allen wrench.

Most garbage disposals are available with a reset button, and the size of the Allen wrench you need will be specified in the owner’s manual. Once you have the correct size wrench, you can easily reset it by following the above article.

Why is my garbage disposal buzzing or humming but not spinning?

One common issue homeowners face with garbage disposals is a humming noise but no spinning. The humming sound you hear when you turn on your garbage disposal is the sound of the motor spinning. However, if the motor cannot generate enough torque, it will not be able to rotate the blades. There are several possible reasons why this may happen.

  • First, the disposal may be jammed. If something has gotten caught in the blades, it will need to be removed before the disposal will work again. Put on some rubber gloves and remove any visible debris.
  • Second, the motor may be damaged. If this is the case, it will need to be replaced.
  • Third, something may prevent the blades from turning, such as a hard piece of food. In this case, you can use a plunger to dislodge the obstacle.
  • Fourth, if that doesn’t solve the problem, you may need to reset the garbage disposal. To do this, find the small button on the bottom of the unit and push it.
  • Finally, if the garbage disposal is gradually getting less powerful, it may be time to replace it entirely. With regular use, garbage disposals typically last for about 8-12 years. Therefore, if your disposal is older than ten years, it is worth considering a replacement.

If the garbage disposal still isn’t working, there may be an issue with the power supply. First, check to make sure that the unit is plugged in. If it is, there may be a problem with the circuit breaker. Flip the switch and see if that solves the problem. If none of these solutions work, you may need to call a plumber for help.


Garbage disposals can be a real lifesaver when it comes to cleaning up after meals, but they can also be a bit of a pain when they start to malfunction. The above article shows you how to reset the garbage disposal with an Allen wrench. Thanks for reading this step-by-step instruction on how to get your disposal back up and running in no time!

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